There are a few options already for wrapping calls to Elastic Search (such as ElasticSearch.Net and NEST) however, I wanted to create an object oriented strongly type interface for some simple queries - (with a view to also being able to convert to this from a CDSA "where clause"). My particular implementation of Elastic search, Azure Search, can be called using a restful API interface with OData and Lucene syntax. So my idea was then eventually any OO representation of a query can eventually then be boiled down to a URL with a querystring (similar to how CDSA converts OO clauses to SQL). My first step was to create an abstraction around the concept of a "filter" that can be applied to a search:

public abstract class Filter
    public abstract string GetQueryString();
Since we are most likely going to be dealing with collections of filters, I created an extension to provide easy access to this method:

internal static class FilterExtensions
    public static string AsQueryString(this IEnumerable<Filter> filters)
        return string.Join(" and ", filters.Select(f => f.GetQueryString()));
The first concrete implementation is always required by Azure Search, it's the API version you intend to work with:

internal sealed class ApiVersionFilter : Filter
    public override string GetQueryString()
        return $"api-version=2016-09-01";
Most fields you are querying will either be some filterable scalar value like strings and numbers or collection of these values in a collection column. I represented these types of query using two classes:

public class FieldValuesFilter : Filter
    private IEnumerable<IFieldValue> selectedValues;
    private string @operator;

    public FieldValuesFilter(string fieldName, IEnumerable<IFieldValue> selectedValues)
        : this(fieldName, "eq", selectedValues)

    public FieldValuesFilter(string fieldName, string @operator, IEnumerable<IFieldValue> selectedValues)
        this.FieldName = fieldName;
        this.selectedValues = selectedValues;
        this.@operator = @operator;

    public string FieldName { get; private set; }

    public override string GetQueryString()
        return "(" + string.Join(" or ", this.selectedValues.Select(v => $"{this.FieldName} {this.@operator} {v.GetFormattedValue()}")) + ")";

public class ArrayValueFilter : Filter
    private IEnumerable<IFieldValue> selectedValues;
    private string @operator;

    public ArrayValueFilter(string fieldName, IEnumerable<IFieldValue> selectedValues)
        : this(fieldName, "any", selectedValues)

    public ArrayValueFilter(string fieldName, string @operator, IEnumerable<IFieldValue> selectedValues)
        this.FieldName = fieldName;
        this.selectedValues = selectedValues;
        this.@operator = @operator;

    public string FieldName { get; private set; }

    public override string GetQueryString()
        return "(" + string.Join(" or ", this.selectedValues.Select(v => $"{this.FieldName}/{this.@operator}(t: t eq {v.GetFormattedValue()})")) + ")";
You will notice that to abstract the field type I use an interface for IFieldValue for passing in the filter values, this is because depending on whether the data type is a string or a number the formatting will change. The interface and the two implementing classes are below:

public interface IFieldValue
    object GetValue();
    string GetFormattedValue();

public class StringFieldValue : IFieldValue
    private string value;

    public StringFieldValue(string value)
        this.value = value;

    public string GetFormattedValue()
        return $"'{this.value}'";

    public object GetValue()
        return this.value;

public class IntegerFieldValue : IFieldValue
    private int value;

    public IntegerFieldValue(int value)
        this.value = value;

    public string GetFormattedValue()
        return this.value.ToString();

    public object GetValue()
        return this.value;
You can create other filters, such as a "well known text" or "proximity" filter to query spatial data:

public class WktFilter : Filter
    private string wkt;

    public WktFilter(string wkt)
        this.Wkt = wkt;

    public string Wkt
            return this.wkt;

            this.wkt = value;

    public override string GetQueryString()
        return $"geo.intersects(location, geography'{this.Wkt}')";

public class ProximityFilter : Filter
    private double latitude;
    private double longitude;
    private double radiusInMeters;

    public ProximityFilter(double latitude, double longitude, double radiusInMeters)
        this.latitude = latitude;
        this.longitude = longitude;
        this.radiusInMeters = radiusInMeters;

    public override string GetQueryString()
        // Azure Search works with KM not M, so div by 1000
        return $"geo.distance(location, geography'POINT({this.longitude} {this.latitude})') le {this.radiusInMeters / 1000d}";
Now that we have the ability to create filters using C# classes and for more derivatives to be added if you more more strong typing, then we need a way of converting this to an Azure Search query. For simplicity I again started with a base class representing a given service which encapsulates the ability to convert a set of filters into a query string or post body and holds the config and endpoint for the index:

public abstract class SearchServiceBase
    private readonly AzureServiceConfig config;

    public SearchServiceBase(AzureServiceConfig config)
        this.config = config;

    public abstract string Api { get; }

    public AzureServiceConfig Config
            return this.config;

    protected string GetQueryString(string name, IEnumerable<Filter> filters, int? top, int? skip)
        // parse the input parameters
        StringBuilder requestParameters = new StringBuilder();

        // name param
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))

        // add API version by default
        requestParameters.Append(new ApiVersionFilter().GetQueryString() + "&");

        if (top.HasValue)

        if (skip.HasValue)

        if (skip.HasValue && skip.Value == 0)

        // filters could be none, one or many
        if (filters != null && filters.Any())

        // get the resource
        return requestParameters.Length > 0 ? "?" + requestParameters.ToString().TrimEnd('&') : string.Empty;

    protected string GetPostQueryString()
        return "?" + new ApiVersionFilter().GetQueryString();

    protected string GetPostBody(string name, IEnumerable<Filter> filters, int? top, int? skip)
        // parse the input parameters
        StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
        JsonTextWriter writer = new JsonTextWriter(sw);

        // {

        if (skip.HasValue && skip.Value == 0)

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))


        if (top.HasValue)

        if (skip.HasValue)

        // filters could be none, one or many
        if (filters != null && filters.Any())
            writer.WriteValue(filters.AsQueryString());     // querystring is same format as POST property value

        // }

        return sw.ToString();
So an example subclass which consumes this functionality:

public class ExampleSearchService : SearchServiceBase
    private readonly string indexName;

    public ExampleSearchService(AzureServiceConfig config, string indexName)
        : base(config)
        this.indexName = indexName;

    public override string Api
            return $"indexes/{this.indexName}/docs/search";

    public async Task<IEnumerable<ExampleSearchResult>> GetResultsAsync(string name, IEnumerable<Filter> filters, int maxResultCount, bool usePost = false)
        using (var webApiClient = new AzureElasticSearchClient(this.Config))
            webApiClient.Timeout = new TimeSpan(0, 20, 0);

            var results = new List<ExampleSearchResult>();

            int pageSize = 1000;
            int pagesToRetrieve = 1;
            int pagesRetrieved = 0;

            // at least one page, but may be more..
            while (pagesRetrieved < pagesToRetrieve)
                HttpResponseMessage result = null;
                if (usePost)
                    string requestUrl = $"{this.Api}{this.GetPostQueryString()}";
                    string requestBody = this.GetPostBody(name, filters, pageSize, pagesRetrieved * pageSize);

                    HttpContent content = new StringContent(requestBody, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");

                    // call the API and increment received count
                    result = await webApiClient.PostAsync(requestUrl, content).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    // build the query url from the filters
                    string requestUrl = $"{this.Api}{this.GetQueryString(name, filters, pageSize, pagesRetreived * pageSize)}";

                    result = await webApiClient.GetAsync(requestUrl).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // if it was successful, we can process it
                if (result.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    // parse the JSON response
                    var jResponse = JObject.Parse(await result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false));

                    // if this was the first page, we can parse the item count
                    if (pagesRetrieved == 1)
                        int count = (int)jResponse.GetValue("@odata.count");

                        // check against max result count and throw exception if over that
                        if (maxResultCount > 0)
                            if (count > maxResultCount)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Search result count of {count} was greater than the maximum of {maxResultCount}");

                        pagesToRetrieve = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)count / (double)pageSize);

                    // now get the value, which is the array of results
                    JArray jsonResults = (JArray)jResponse.GetValue("value");

                    // loop over the JSON array and deserialise each result obejct
                    foreach (var resultData in jsonResults)
                        var result = resultData.ToObject<ExampleSearchResult>();


            return results;
You will notice I created a wrapper for HttpClient, this is simply to encapsulate adding the base address and API key:

internal class AzureElasticSearchClient : HttpClient
        public AzureElasticSearchClient(AzureServiceConfig config)
            this.BaseAddress = new Uri($"https://{config.AzureSearchServiceName}");
            this.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("api-key", config.AzureSearchApiKey);
Here are some examples of how to create and add filters then call the example search service:

public class TestExampleSearchService
    private ExampleSearchService sut = new ExampleSearchService();

    public async Task TestGetResultsInWktWithAdditionalFilter_Elastic()
        // arrange
        var testPolygonWkt = "POLYGON ((-1.6259765625 53.74404116282134, -1.6005706787109375 53.76089000834015, -1.5696716308593748 53.73876182109416, -1.6036605834960935 53.72799803200196, -1.6259765625 53.74404116282134))";
        var polyFilter = new WktFilter(testPolygonWkt);
        var examplePropertyFilter = new FieldValuesFilter("SomeIntProperty", new IntegerFieldValue[] { new IntegerFieldValue(1) });
        // act
        var startTime = DateTime.Now;
        var result = await this.sut.GetResultsAsync(string.Empty, new Filters.Filter[] { polyFilter, examplePropertyFilter });
        Trace.WriteLine($"Time taken: {DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime).TotalMilliseconds} ms");
        Trace.WriteLine($"# recs {result.Count()}");
        // assert
        Assert.Greater(result.Count(), 0);

    public async Task TestGetResultsInProximityWithName_Elastic()
        // arrange
        var longi = -1.6259765625;
        var lati = 53.74404116282134;
        var dist = 200;
        var proxFilter = new ProximityFilter(lati, longi, dist);

        // act
        var startTime = DateTime.Now;
        var result = await this.sut.GetResultsAsync("example name", new Filters.Filter[] { proxFilter });

        Trace.WriteLine($"# recs {result.Count()}");
        Trace.WriteLine($"Time taken: {DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime).TotalMilliseconds} ms");

        // assert
        Assert.Greater(result.Count(), 0);

    public async Task TestGetResultsInArrayFilter_Elastic()
        // arrange
        var possibleValues = {"hello", "world"}.Select(s => new StringFieldValue(s));
        var exampleArrayPropertyFilter = new FieldValuesFilter("SomeStringArrayProperty", possibleValues);
        // act
        var startTime = DateTime.Now;
        var result = await this.sut.GetResultsAsync(string.Empty, new Filters.Filter[] { exampleArrayPropertyFilter });
        Trace.WriteLine($"Time taken: {DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime).TotalMilliseconds} ms");
        Trace.WriteLine($"# recs {result.Count()}");
        // assert
        Assert.Greater(result.Count(), 0);
With this structure all now in place, I wanted to plug this into an existing CDSA application which was currently using SQL for performing queries. I therefore needed a way to convert from traditional "CDSA WhereClause" objects to my new Azure Search filter structure. I created a basic implementation, which isn't 100% compatible with all clauses yet, but for most use cases it works fine:

internal class WhereClauseParser
    Regex isNumeric = new Regex("^\\d+$");

    public IEnumerable<FieldValuesFilter> ParseWhereClause(WhereClause clause)
        if (clause == null || clause.RecursiveClauseList.Count == 0)
            return null;

        return this.ParseWhereClauseWithSubgroups(clause);

    private IEnumerable<FieldValuesFilter> ParseWhereClauseWithSubgroups(WhereClause clause)
        if (clause.ConjunctionOperator == ConjunctionOperator.And)
            var myFilters = new List<FieldValuesFilter>();
            foreach (var whereClauseElement in clause.ClauseList)

            if (clause.SubGroups.Count > 0)
                foreach (var subClause in clause.SubGroups)

            return myFilters;
            throw new NotImplementedException("Elastic search clause parser currently only supports the 'AND' conjunction.");

    private FieldValuesFilter ParseWhereClauseElement(WhereClauseElement whereClauseElement)
        // start with the defaults
        var fieldName = whereClauseElement.CompareItem;
        var values = new object[] { whereClauseElement.CompareValue };

        var @operator = string.Empty;

        // don't need qualified paths, remove the dots
        fieldName = fieldName.Replace(".", "");

        switch (whereClauseElement.Operator)
            case Operator.Equals:
            case Operator.Like: // todo: this should be a wildcard search, not an exact equality
                @operator = "eq";
            case Operator.NotEqual:
                @operator = "ne";
            case Operator.GreaterThan:
                @operator = "gt";
            case Operator.LessThan:
                @operator = "lt";
            case Operator.GreaterThanEqualTo:
                @operator = "ge";
            case Operator.LessThanEqualTo:
                @operator = "le";
            case Operator.In:
                @operator = "eq";
                values = values[0].ToString().Split(',');

                // if it was an array of numbers stored as CSV, then unpack the numbers as ints.
                if (values.All(v => this.isNumeric.IsMatch(v.ToString())))
                    values = values.Select(v => (object) int.Parse(v.ToString())).ToArray();

                throw new NotImplementedException("Elastic search clause parser currently does not support this operator");

        return new FieldValuesFilter(fieldName, @operator, values.Select(v => this.FieldValueFactory(v)));


    private IFieldValue FieldValueFactory(object v)
        // a dirty type check, lets call it a "factory"
        if (v is int)
            return new IntegerFieldValue((int)v);
            return new StringFieldValue(v.ToString());