It's pretty common practice in .NET Core to take a dependency on HttpClient in your constructor and using the built-in DI container extension to register this. When it comes to unit testing it can always be a bit fiddly when you depend on a concrete class rather than an interface. After solving this problem several times when it comes to HttpClient based unit tests I've create a simple TestHttpClient and TestHttpClientBuilder to simplify the process:

public class TestHttpClientBuilder
        private readonly HttpResponseMessage _stubHttpResponseMessage = new(HttpStatusCode.OK);
        private Exception? _exception;
        public TestHttpClientBuilder WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode statusCode)
            _stubHttpResponseMessage.StatusCode = statusCode;
            return this;
        public TestHttpClientBuilder WithJsonContent<T>(T expectedResponseObject)
            _stubHttpResponseMessage.Content = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(expectedResponseObject), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
            return this;
        public TestHttpClientBuilder WithException(Exception ex)
            _exception = ex;
            return this;
        public TestHttpClient Build()
            return new TestHttpClient(
                _exception != null ? 
                    new FakeHttpMessageHandler(_exception) : 
                    new FakeHttpMessageHandler(_stubHttpResponseMessage));
        public class TestHttpClient : HttpClient
            private readonly FakeHttpMessageHandler _httpMessageHandler;
            internal TestHttpClient(FakeHttpMessageHandler httpMessageHandler) : base(httpMessageHandler)
                _httpMessageHandler = httpMessageHandler;
                BaseAddress = new Uri("");
            public IReadOnlyList<HttpRequestMessage> CapturedRequests => _httpMessageHandler.CapturedRequests;
public class FakeHttpMessageHandler : HttpMessageHandler
        private readonly Exception? _exception;
        private readonly HttpResponseMessage _response = new();
        private readonly List<HttpRequestMessage> _capturedRequests = new List<HttpRequestMessage>();
        public FakeHttpMessageHandler(Exception exception)
            _exception = exception;
        public FakeHttpMessageHandler(HttpResponseMessage response)
            _response = response;
        public IReadOnlyList<HttpRequestMessage> CapturedRequests => _capturedRequests;
        protected override Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (_exception != null)
                throw _exception;
            return Task.FromResult(_response);
Given this code is available to your unit tests, you can now use the builder when instantiating the SUT and use the builder methods to configure the possible responses and/or inspect the captured requests to test your outbound calls. e.g.

public class UnitTestClass
	private TestHttpClientBuilder? _testHttpClientBuilder;
	private Lazy<TestHttpClientBuilder.TestHttpClient>? _testHttpClient;

	public void SetUp()
		_testHttpClientBuilder = new TestHttpClientBuilder()
			.WithJsonContent(new MyDataType()); // use AutoFixture, test data builder etc. to create a default response

		_testHttpClient = new Lazy<TestHttpClientBuilder.TestHttpClient>(() => _testHttpClientBuilder.Build());

	// Now create tests on the SUT using "_testHttpClient.Value" for the HttpClient ctor argument.
	// Make assertions based on changing the response status code / content, or by inspecting "_testHttpClient.Value.CapturedRequests"