The following example shows how you can use a bubble sort in Assembly language to sort some numbers:
.model flat,stdcall

option casemap:none

example_data db 1,3,4,5,2,5,7,4,6,0
num_of_elements db 10

    mov eax, dword ptr[num_of_elements] ;whatever the programmer entered
    dec eax                             ;less one (since 10 elements = 0-9)
    mov dword ptr[num_of_elements], eax ;save the new value

    lea eax, example_data               ;point eax to start addr
    xor ebx, ebx                        ;reset (data reg 1)
    xor edx, edx                        ;reset (data reg 2)
    xor ecx, ecx                        ;reset counter

    mov bl, byte ptr[eax]               ;get 1 byte
    mov dl, byte ptr[eax+1]             ;and the byte to its right
    cmp bl, dl                          ;compare the 2
    jg notdone                          ;if byte 2 > byte 1, not sorted, go sort
    push eax                            ;save where we are
    push ecx                            ;save counter
    lea eax, example_data               ;go back to start (for test)
    xor ecx, ecx                        ;reset counter
    jmp test_sorted                     ;go test the whole list

    mov byte ptr[eax], dl               ;put byte 2 in byte 1 position
    mov byte ptr[eax+1], bl             ;put byte 1 in byte 2 position
    inc eax                             ;go to next byte
    inc ecx                             ;count
    cmp ecx, dword ptr[num_of_elements] ;10 elements (0-9)
    jnz stillsort                       ;still sorting (no reset)
    lea eax, example_data               ;did all 10 elements, go again from start
    xor ecx, ecx                        ;reset counter
    jmp stillsort                       ;back to sort code

    mov bl, byte ptr[eax]               ;get 1 byte
    mov dl, byte ptr[eax+1]             ;and the byte to its right
    cmp bl, dl                          ;compare
    jg nope                             ;if byte 2 > byte 1 the whole list isnt sorted
    inc eax                             ;try next byte
    inc ecx                             ;count
    cmp ecx, dword ptr[num_of_elements] ;10 elements (0-9)
    jz done                             ;all 10 elements are sorted
    jmp test_sorted                     ;or loop

    pop ecx                             ;get the back the old count
    pop eax                             ;back to the last byte we were on
    inc eax                             ;but 1 more now
    inc ecx                             ;increase counter
    cmp ecx, dword ptr[num_of_elements] ;10 elements (0-9)
    jnz stillsort                       ;sorting
    lea eax, example_data               ;it was the last element, back to start
    xor ecx, ecx                        ;reset counter
    jmp stillsort                       ;sorting

    pop ecx                             ;clear stack
    pop eax                             ;clear stack
    xor eax, eax                        ;exit code 0
end start